Wednesday, August 4, 2010

rain or shine???

the next time i use this phrase, just slap me, okay? i did not run monday because we were taken out to eat at red lobster....and i don't think anyone would run after eating half a pound of crab legs, a few stuffed shrimp, and some bread. i wasn't about to, at least. but tonight i finally made it out the door to do the 4 miler. me and the hubby were going to have to do it separate because em was taking a super late nap and soup was cooking on the stove. and no excuses, right? come rain or shine, right? of course, right as i am walking out the door to take my turn first, emily peeks out her door. awesome, right? i mean, i get to have the stroller so i get to have my water bottles, towel, music, all that. well, almost 2 miles into the run i see lightening. where did this come from? so i start booking it and it begins to pour. half a mile later, i finally get to the gas station to use their phone to call hubby to come to our rescue. poor em is shivering and we are soaked. so, yeah, when i said i would run rain or shine, i really would have rathered it NOT rain, thankyouverymuch. and i didn't do my 4 miler :( but i guess i'm better off than kevin- he did not get to run at all. 4 miles i want to lose sleep and wake up at 6 or do i want to feel like dieing and run in the heat? eh, bring on the heat!